- - You are 18 years of age or older.
- - Our raid times are limited to 8 hours a week, to make the most out of this time we expect 90% or above attendance. We understand that real life is a thing but cannot commit to keeping your raid spot if your attendance falls below 90%.
- - During progression, we expect you to be up to date on both encounter mechanics and capabilities of your spec during the encounter. For example, Mage tanking orbs during the Guldan encounter.
- - Raid spots are earned and competitive. Seniority does not trump skill. Improving your raiding character's gear and your understanding of your class/spec is your responsibility alone. There are many avenues for upgrading gear outside of raids and while the guild is always willing to help it is your own efforts that will keep you in the raid group.
- - You understand how loot council works and why it is a thing. Our loot council consists of our GM and Raid Leader as permanent members, 1 random Officer, and 2 random Raiders. The non-permanent members are rotated every week.
- - You need to have the capability to communicate using your voice during raids. Not having a mic is not a good excuse.
- - Drama, specially during the raid and more specifically loot related drama is not acceptable. If you cause grief for the group and we see no change in your behavior, you will be removed from the guild.